Tomales Bay


See more of John Largier's publications at Google Scholar

Ketchum, J. T., A. Hearn, A. P. Klimley, E. Espinoza, C. Peñaherrera and J. L. Largier, 2013. Seasonal changes in movements and habitat preferences of the scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) while refuging near an oceanic island. Marine Biology, doi:10.1007/s00227-013-2375-5.

Morgan, S. G., J. L. Fisher, S. T. McAfee, J. L. Largier, S. H. Miller, M. M. Sheridan and J. E. Neigel, 2014. Transport of crustacean larvae between a low-inflow estuary and coastal waters. Estuaries and Coasts, 37:1269-1283, doi 10.1007/s12237-014-9772-y.

Garcia-Reyes, M., J. L. Largier and W. J. Sydeman, 2014. Synoptic-scale upwelling indices and predictions of phyto- and zooplankton populations. Progress in Oceanography, 120:177-188, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2013.08.004 (in press).

Kashef, N. S., S. M. Sogard, R. Fisher and J. L. Largier, 2014. Ontogeny of critical swimming speeds for larval and pelagic juvenile rockfishes (Sebastes spp., family Scorpaenidae) and kelp bass (Paralabrax clathratus, family Serranidae). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 500: 231-243, doi: 10.3354/meps10669.

Weidberg, N., C. Lobón, E. López, L. García Flórez, L. Fernández, M. del Pino Fernández Rueda, J. Largier and J. L. Acuña, 2014. Effect of nearshore surface slicks on meroplankton distribution: role of larval behaviour. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 506:15-30, doi: 10.3354/meps10777.

Bonicelli, J., C. Moffat, S. A. Navarrete and J. L. Largier and F.J. Tapia, 2014. Spatial differences in thermal structure and variability within a small bay: interplay of diurnal wind and tides. Continental Shelf Research, 88:72-80.

Collie, J. S., L. W. Botsford, A. Hastings, I. C. Kaplan, J. L. Largier, P. A. Livingstone, E. Plagányi, K. A. Rose, B. K. Wells and F. E. Werner, 2014. Ecosystem models for fisheries management: finding the sweet spot. Fish and Fisheries, doi: 10.1111/faf.12093.

Pfaff, M. C., G. M. Branch, J. L. Fisher, V. Hoffmann, A. G. Ellis and J. L. Largier, 2014. Delivery of marine larvae to shore requires multiple sequential transport mechanisms. Ecology, accepted.

Nickols, K. J., J. W. White, J. L. Largier and B. Gaylord, 2014. Marine population connectivity: reconciling large-scale dispersal and high self-retention. The American Naturalist, accepted.

Shapiro, K., C. Krusor, F. F. M. Mazzillo, P. A. Conrad, J. L. Largier, J. A. K. Mazet, and M. W. Silver, 2014. Aquatic polymers can drive pathogen transmission in coastal ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281:20141287.

Tapia, F. J., J. L. Largier, M. Castillo, E. A. Wieters and S. A. Navarrete, 2014. Latitudinal discontinuity in thermal conditions along the nearshore of central-northern Chile. PLOS ONE, accepted.

Navarrete, S. A., J. L. Largier, G. Vera, F. J. Tapia, M. Parrague, E. Ramos, J. L. Shinen, C. Stuardo and E. A. Wieters, 2014. Tumbling under the surf: wave-modulated settlement of intertidal mussels and the continuous settlement-relocation model Marine Ecology Progress Series. accepted.

Leising, A.W., I. D. Schroeder, S. J. Bograd, E. P. Bjorkstedt, J. Field, K. Sakuma, J. Abell, J. Tyburczy, W. T. Peterson, R. D. Brodeur, C. Barcelo, T.D. Auth, E.A. Daly, G. S. Campbell, J. A. Hildebrand, R. M. Suryan, A. J. Galdics, C. A. Horton, M. Kahru, M. Manzano-Sarabia, S. McClatchie, E. D. Weber, W. Watson, J. A. Santora, W. J. Sydeman, S. R. Melin, R. L. DeLong, J. Largier, S. Y. Kim, F. P. Chavez, R. T. Golightly, S. R. Schneider, P. Warzybok, R. Bradley, J. Jahncke, J. Fisher, and J. Peterson, 2013. State of the California Current 2013-2014: El Niño looming. CalCOFI Reports, 55: 51-87.

Barton, E. D., J. L. Largier, R. Torres, M. Sheridan, A. J. Souza, A. Trasviña, Y. Pazos, 2015. Coastal upwelling and downwelling forcing of circulation in a semi-enclosed bay: Ria de Vigo Progress in Oceanography, accepted.

Behrens, D. K., F. A. Bombardelli, J. L. Largier, and E. Twohy, 2013. Episodic closure of the tidal inlet at the mouth of the Russian River – a small bar-built estuary in California. Geomorphology,

Shapiro, K., W. A. Miller, M. W. Silver, M. Odagiri, J. L. Largier, P. A. Conrad, and J. A. K. Mazet, 2013. Association of zoonotic pathogens with fresh, estuarine and marine macroaggregates. Microbial Ecology, 65, 928-933, DOI 10.1007/s00248-012-0147-2.

Erikson, L. H., S. A. Wright, E. Elias, D. M. Hanes, D. H. Schoellhamer and J. Largier, 2013. The use of modeling and suspended sediment concentration measurements for quantifying net suspended sediment transport through a large tidally dominated inlet. Marine Geology, 345: 96-112.

Wells, B. K., I. D. Schroeder, J. A. Santora, E. I. Hazen, S. J. Bograd, E. P. Bjorkstedt, V. J. Loeb, S. McClatchie, E. D. Weber, W. Watson, A. R. Thompson, W. T. Peterson, R. D. Brodeur, J. Harding, J. Field, K. Sakuma, S. Hayes, W. J. Sydeman, M. Losekoot, S. A. Thompson, J. Largier, S. Y. Kim, F. P. Chavez, C. Barcelo, P. Warzybok, R. Bradley, J. Jahncke, R. Goericke, G. S. Campbell, J. A. Hildebrand, S. R. Melin, R. L. DeLong, J. Gpmez-Valdes, B. Lavaniegos, G. Gaxiola-Castro, R. T. Golightly, S. R. Schneider, N. Lo, R. M. Suryan, A. J. Galdics, C. A. Horton, J. Fisher, C. Morgan, J. Peterson, E. A. Daly, T. D. Auth and J. Abell, 2013. State of the California Current 2012-2013: No such thing as an “average” year. CalCOFI Reports, 54: 1-35.

Kim, S. Y., B. D. Cornuelle, E. J. Terrill, B. Jones, L. Washburn, M. A. Moline, J. D. Paduan, N. Garfield, J. L. Largier, G. Crawford, and P. M. Kosro, 2013. Poleward propagating subinertial alongshore surface currents off the U.S. West Coast. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118:1-16, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20400.

Nickols, K. J., S. H. Miller, B. Gaylord, S. G. Morgan and J. L. Largier, 2013. Spatial differences in larval abundance within the coastal boundary layer impact supply to shoreline habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 494:191-203, doi:10.3354/meps10572.

Nidzieko, N. J. and J. L. Largier, 2013. Inner shelf intrusions of offshore water in an upwelling system affect coastal connectivity. Geophysical Research Letters, 40:5423-5428, doi:10.1002/2013GL056756.

Sydeman, W. J., S. A. Thompson, M. Garcia-Reyes, M. Kahru, W. T. Peterson and J. L. Largier, 2013. Multivariate ocean-climate indicators (MOCI) for the central California Current: environmental change 1990-2010. Progress in Oceanography, 120:352-369.

Largier, J. L., 2012. Hydrodynamics. In: Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology. A. Hastings and L. Gross (Eds.), University of California Press, pp 357-364.

Hamner, W. M. and J. L. Largier, 2012. Oceanography of the planktonic stages of aggregation spawning reef fishes. Chapter 6 in Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations: Biology, Research and Management, Fish & Fisheries Series 35, pp.159-190, Springer, doi 10.1007/978-94-007-1980-4_6.

Morgan, S. G., J. L. Fisher, S. T. McAfee, J. L. Largier and C. M. Halle, 2012. Limited recruitment during relaxation events: Larval advection and behavior in an upwelling system. Limnology & Oceanography, 57(2), 457-470.

Shapiro, K., M. W. Silver, J. L. Largier, P. A. Conrad, and J. A. K. Mazet, 2012. Association of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts with fresh, estuarine and marine macroaggregates. Limnology & Oceanography, 57(2), 449-456.

Saldias, G. S., M. Sobarzo, J. Largier, C. Moffat and R. Letelier, 2012. Seasonal variability of turbid river plumes off central Chile based on high-resolution MODIS imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, 220-233.

Garcia-Reyes, M. and J. L. Largier, 2012. Seasonality of coastal upwelling off central and northern California: new insights including temporal and spatial variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C03028: doi:10.1029/2011JC007629, 17pp.

Nickols, K. J., B. Gaylord and J. L. Largier, 2012. The coastal boundary layer: Predictable current structure decreases alongshore transport and alters scales of dispersal. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 464:17-35, doi: 10.3354/meps09875.

Lewitus, A. J., R. A. Horner, D. A. Caron, E. Garcia-Mendoza, B. M. Hickey, M. Hunter, D. D. Huppert, R. M. Kudela, G. W. Langlois, J. L. Largier, E. J. Lessard, R. RaLonde, J. E. J. Rensel, P. G. Strutton, V. L. Trainer and J. F. Tweddle, 2012. Harmful alga blooms along the North American west coast region: History, trends, causes and impacts. Harmful Algae, 19: 133-159, doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2012.06.009.

Bjorkstedt, E. P., R. Goericke, S. McClatchie, E. Weber, W. Watson, N. Lo, W. T. Peterson, R. D. Brodeur, T. Auth, J. Fisher, C. Morgan, J. Peterson, J. Largier, S. J. Bograd, R. Durazo, G. Gaxiola-Castro, B. Lavaniegos, F. P. Chavez, C. A. Collins, B. Hannah, J. Field, K. Sakuma, W. Satterthwaite, M. O’Farrell, S. Hayes, J. Harding, W. Sydeman, S. A. Thompson, P. Warzybok, R. Bradley, J. Jahncke, R. T. Golightly, S. R. Schneider, R. M. Suryan, A. J. Gladics, C. A. Horton, S. Y. Kim, S. R. Melin, R. L. DeLong and J. Abell, 2012. State of the California Current 2011–2012: Ecosystems respond to local forcing as La Niña wavers and wanes. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 53:41-76.

Morgan, S. G., J. L. Fisher, and J. L. Largier, 2011. Larval retention, entrainment and accumulation in the lee of a small headland: Recruitment hotspots along windy coasts. Limnology & Oceanography, 56(1), 161-178.

McPhee-Shaw, E. E., K. J. Nielsen, J. L. Largier, and B. A. Menge, 2011. Nearshore chlorophyll-a events and wave-driven transport. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, doi:10.1029/2010GL045810.

Romera-Castillo, C., M. Nieto-Cid, C.G. Castro, C. Marrasé, J. Largier, E.D. Barton, and X.A. Álvarez-Salgado, 2011. Fluorescence: absorption coefficient ratio - tracing photochemical and microbial degradation processes affecting coloured dissolved organic matter in a coastal system. Marine Chemistry, 125 (1-4), 26-38.

Kim, S. Y., E. J. Terrill, B. D. Cornuelle, B. Jones, L. Washburn, M. A. Moline, J. D. Paduan, N. Garfield, J. L. Largier, G. Crawford, and P. M. Kosro, 2011. Mapping the U.S. West Coast surface circulation: A multiyear analysis of high-frequency radar observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C03011, doi:10.1029/2010JC006669.

Lucas, A. J., C. L. Dupont, V. Tai, J. L. Largier, B. Palenik, and P. J. S. Franks, 2011. The green ribbon: Multiscale physical control of phytoplankton productivity and community structure over a narrow continental shelf. Limnology and Oceanography, 56(2), 611-626.

Fischer, D. T., J. W. White, L. W. Botsford, J. Largier, and D. M. Kaplan, 2011. A GIS-based tool for representing larval dispersal for marine reserve selection. The Professional Geographer, doi:10.1080/00330124.2011.585079.

Halle, C. M., and J. L. Largier, 2011. Surface circulation downstream of the Point Arena upwelling center. Continental Shelf Research, 31(12), 1260-1272.

Lipa, B., D. Barrick, S. Saitoh, Y. Ishikawa, T. Awaji, J. Largier, and N. Garfield, 2011. Japan tsunami current flows observed by HF Radars on two continents. Remote Sensing, 3(8), 1663-1679.

Bjorkstedt, E. P., R. Goericke, S. McClatchie, E. Weber, W. Watson, N. Lo, W. Peterson, R. Emmett, R. Brodeur, J. Peterson, M. Litz, J. Gomez-Valdez, G. Gaxiola-Castro, B. Lavaniegos, F. Chavez, C. A. Collins, J. Field, K. Sakuma, S. J. Bograd, F. B. Schwing, P. Warzybok, R. Bradley, J. Jahncke, G. S. Campbell, J. A. Hildebrand, W. J. Sydeman, S. A. Thompson, J. L. Largier, C. Halle, S.Y. Kim, and J. Abell, 2011. State of the California Current 2010-2011: Regionally variable responses to a strong (but fleeting?) La Niña. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 52, 32-68.

Long R. M., D. Barrick, J. L. Largier and N. Garfield, 2011. Wave Observations from Central California: SeaSonde Systems and In-Situ Wave Buoys. Journal of Sensors, 2011, doi:10.1155/2011/728936.

White, J. W., L. W. Botsford, A. Hastings, J. L. Largier, 2010. Population persistence in marine reserve networks: incorporating spatial heterogeneities in larval dispersal. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 398: 49-67

Largier, J. L., 2010. Low-inflow estuaries: hypersaline, inverse and thermal scenarios. In: Contemporary Issues in Estuarine Physics, A. Valle-Levinson (editor), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Shapiro, K., J. A. K. Mazet, A. Schriewer, S. Wertz, H. Fritz, W. A. Miller, J. Largier, P. A. Conrad, 2010. Detection of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts and surrogate microspheres in water using ultrafiltration and capsule filtration. Water Research, 44: 893-903.

Garcia-Reyes, M. and J. Largier, 2010. Observations of increased wind-driven coastal upwelling off central California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C04011, doi:10.1029/2009JC005576.

Shapiro, K., P. A. Conrad, J. A. K. Mazet, W. W. Wallender, W. A. Miller, and J. L. Largier, 2010. Effect of estuarine wetland degradation on transport of Toxoplasma gondii surrogates from land to sea. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76(2), 6821-6828.

Cloern, J. E., K. A. Hieb, T. Jacobson, B. Sansó, E. Di Lorenzo, M. T. Stacey, J. L. Largier, W. Meiring, W. T. Peterson, T. M. Powell, M. Winder, and A. D. Jassby, 2010. Biological communities in San Francisco Bay track large-scale climate forcing over the North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L21602, doi:10.1029/2010GL044774.

White, J. W., K. J. Nickols, L. Clarke, and J. L. Largier, 2010. Larval entrainment in cooling water intakes: spatially explicit models reveal effects on benthic metapopulations and shortcomings of traditional assessments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 67:2014-2031, doi:20.1139/F10-108.

E. P. Bjorkstedt, R. Goericke, S. McClatchie, E. Weber, W. Watson, N. Lo, W. Peterson, R. Emmett, J. Peterson, R. Durazo, G. Gaxiola-Castro, F. Chavez, J. T. Pennington, C. A. Collins, J. Field, S. Ralston, K. Sakuma, S. J. Bograd, F. B. Schwing, Y. Xue, W. J. Sydeman, S. A. Thompson, J. A. Santora, J. Largier, C. Halle, S. Morgan, S. Y. Kim, K. P. B. Merkins, J. A. Hildebrand, and L. M. Munger, 2010. State of the California Current 2009-2010: Regional variation persists through transition from La Niña to El Niño (and back?). California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 51, 39-69.

Botsford, L. W., D. R. Brumbaugh, C. Grimes, J. B. Kellner, J. Largier, M. R. O’Farrell, S. Ralston, E. Soulanille, V. Wespestad, 2009. Connectivity, sustainability, and yield: bridging the gap between conventional fisheries management and marine protected areas. Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries, 19(1):69-95, DOI 10.1007/s11160-008-9092-z.

Rasmussen, L. L., B. D. Cornuelle, L. A. Levin, J. L. Largier, E. Di Lorenzo, 2009. Effects of small-scale features and local wind forcing on tracer dispersion and estimates of population connectivity in a regional scale circulation model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C01012, doi:10.1029/2008JC004777.

Shapiro, K., J. Largier, J. A. K. Mazet, W. Bernt, J. R. Ell, A. C. Melli, P. A. Conrad, 2009. Surface properties of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts and surrogate microspheres. Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75(4), 1185-1191.

Kimbro, D. L., J. Largier, E. D. Grosholz, 2009. Coastal oceanographic processes influence the growth and size of a key estuarine species, the Olympia oyster. Limnology and Oceanography, 54(5), 1425-1437.

Behrens, D. K., F. A. Bombardelli, J. L. Largier, E. Twohy, 2009. Characterization of time and spatial scales of a migrating rivermouth. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L09402, doi:10.1029/2008GL037025.

Noble, M., B. Jones, P. Hamilton, J. Xu, G. Robertson, L. Rosenfeld, J. Largier, 2009. Cross-shelf transport by shoaling internal tides in San Pedro Bay, CA. Continental Shelf Research, 29(15):1768-1785.

Morgan, S. G., J. L. Fisher, S. H. Miller, S. T. McAfee, J. L. Largier, 2009. Nearshore larval retention in a region of strong upwelling and recruitment limitation. Ecology, 90(12): 3489-3502.

Kaplan, D. M., C. Halle, J. Paduan and J. L. Largier, 2009. Surface currents during anomalous upwelling seasons off central California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, doi:10.1029/2009JC005382.

Tapia, F.J., S. A. Navarrete, M. Castillo, B. A. Menge, J. C. Castilla, J. Largier, E. A. Wieters, B. L. Broitman, J.A. Barth, 2009. Thermal indices of upwelling effects on inner-shelf habitats. Progress in Oceanography, 23: 278-287.

Kudela, R. M., N. S. Banas, J. A. Barth, E. R. Frame, D. Jay, J. L. Largier, E. J. Lessard, T. D. Peterson, A. J. Vander Woude, 2008. New Insights into the Controls and Mechanisms of Plankton Productivity in Coastal Upwelling Waters of the Northern California Current System. Oceanography, 21(4):46-59.

Clarke, L. B., D. Ackerman, J. Largier, 2007. Dye dispersion in the surf zone: measurements and simple models. Continental Shelf Research, 27(5):650-669.

Pinones, A., J. C. Castilla, R. Guinez, J. L. Largier, 2007. Nearshore surface temperatures in Antofagasta Bay (Chile) and adjacent upwelling centers. Ciencias Marinas, 33(1):37-48.

Gaylord, B., J. H. Rosman, D. Reed, J. R. Koseff, J. Fram , S. MacIntyre, K. Arkema, C. McDonald, M. A. Brzezinski, J. L. Largier, S. G. Monismith, P. T. Raimondi, B. Mardian, 2007. Spatial patterns of flow and their modification within and around a giant kelp forest. Limnology and Oceanography, 52(5):1838-1852.

Gawarkiewicz, G., S. Monismith, J. Largier, 2007. Observing larval transport processes affecting population connectivity: progress and challenges. Oceanography, 20(3):40-53.

Lentz, S. J. and J. Largier, 2006. The influence of wind forcing on the Chesapeake Bay buoyant coastal current. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36(7):1305-1316.

Largier, J. L., C. A. Lawrence, M. Roughan, D. M. Kaplan, E. P. Dever, C. E. Dorman, R. M. Kudela, S. M. Bollens, F. P. Wilkerson, R. C. Dugdale, L. W. Botsford, N. Garfield, B. Kuebel-Cervantes, D. Koracin, 2006. WEST: A northern California study of the role of wind-driven transport in the productivity of coastal plankton communities. Deep Sea Research II, 53(25-26):2833-2849.

Dorman, C. E., E. P. Dever, J. Largier, D. Koracin, 2006. Buoy measured wind, wind stress and curl of the wind stress over the shelf off Bodega Bay, California. Deep Sea Research II, 53(25-26):2850-2864.

Dever, E. P., C. E. Dorman, J. L. Largier, 2006. Surface boundary layer variability off northern California, USA during upwelling. Deep Sea Research II, 53(25-26):2887-2905.

Kaplan, D. M. and J. L. Largier, 2006. HF-radar-derived origin and destination of surface waters off Bodega Bay, California. Deep Sea Research II, 53(25-26):2906-2930.

Roughan, M., N. Garfield, J. Largier, E. Dever, C. Dorman, D. Peterson, J. Dorman, 2006. Transport and retention in an upwelling region: The role of across-shelf structure. Deep Sea Research II, 53(25-26):2931-2955.

Vander Woude A. J., J. L. Largier, R. M. Kudela, 2006. Nearshore retention of upwelled waters north and south of Point Reyes (northern California) – patterns of surface temperature and chlorophyll observed in CoOP WEST. Deep Sea Research II, 53(25-26):2985-2998.

Botsford, L. W., C. A. Lawrence, E. P. Dever, A. Hastings, J. Largier, 2006. Effects of variable winds on biological productivity on continental shelves in coastal upwelling systems. Deep Sea Research II, 53(25-26):3116-3140.

Narvaez, D. A., S. A. Navarrete, J. Largier, C. A. Vargas, 2006. Onshore advection of warm water, larval invertebrate settlement, and relaxation of upwelling off central Chile. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 309:159-173.

Hamilton, P., M. A. Noble, J. Largier, L. K. Rosenfeld, G. Robertson, 2006. Cross-shelf subtidal variability in San Pedro Bay during summer 2001. Continental Shelf Research, 26(6):681-702.

Roughan, M., E. J. Terrill, J. L. Largier, M. P. Otero, 2005. Observations of divergence and upwelling around Pt Loma, California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, C04011, doi:10.1029/2004JC002662.

Kaplan, D. M., J. L. Largier, L. W. Botsford, 2005. HF radar observations of surface circulation off Bodega Bay (northern California, USA). Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, C10020, doi:10.1029/2005JC002959.

Roughan, M., A. J. Mace, J. L. Largier, S. G. Morgan, J. L. Fisher, M. L. Carter, 2005. Sub-surface recirculation and larval retention in the lee of a small headland: a variation on the upwelling shadow theme. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, C10027, doi:10.1029/2005JC002898.

Largier, J., 2004. The importance of retention zones in the dispersal of larvae. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 45:105-122.

Largier, J. L., 2003. Considerations in estimating larval dispersal distances from oceanographic data. Ecological Applications 13(1) Supplement, S71-S89.

Gaines, S. D., B. Gaylord and J. L. Largier, 2003. Avoiding current oversights in marine reserve design. Ecological Applications 13(1), S32-S46.

Carr, M. H., J. E. Neigel, J. A. Estes, S. Andelman, R. R. Warner and J. L. Largier, 2003. Comparing marine and terrestrial ecosystems: implications for the design of coastal marine reserves. Ecological Applications 13(1), S90-S107.

Kaplan, D. M., J. Largier, S. Navarrete, R. Guinez, J. C. Castilla, 2003. Large diurnal temperature fluctuations in the nearshore water column. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 57, 385-398.

Wieters, E. A., D. M. Kaplan, S. A. Navarrete, A. Sotomayor, J. Largier, K. J. Nielsen, F. Veliz, 2003. Alongshore and temporal variability in chlorophyll a concentrations in Chilean nearshore waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 249, 93-105.

Shanks, A. L., J. Largier, J. Brubaker, 2003. Observations on the distribution of meroplankton during an upwelling event. Journal of Plankton Research, 25(6), 645-667.

Botsford, L. W., C. A. Lawrence, E. P. Dever, A. Hastings, and J. Largier, 2003. Wind strength and biological productivity in upwelling systems: an idealized study. Fisheries Oceanography, 12:245-259.

Kim, J. H., S. B. Grant, C. D. McGee, B. F. Sanders J. L. Largier, 2003. Locating sources of surf zone pollution: a mass budget analysis of fecal indicator bacteria at Huntington Beach. Environmental Science and Technology, 38:2626-2636.

Largier, J. L., 2002. Linking oceanography and nearshore ecology: perspectives and challenges. In: The Oceanography and Ecology of the Nearshore and Bays in Chile, J. C. Castilla and J. L. Largier (editors), Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, 207-239.

Castilla, J. C., N. A. Lagos, R. Guinez, and J. L. Largier, 2002. Embayments and nearshore retention of plankton: the Antofogasta Bay and other examples. In: The Oceanography and Ecology of the Nearshore and Bays in Chile, J. C. Castilla and J. L. Largier (editors), Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, 179-203.

Shanks, A. L., J. Largier, L. Brink, J. Brubaker, R. Hooff, 2002. Observations on the distribution of meroplankton during a downwelling event and associated intrusion of the Chesapeake Bay estuarine plume. Journal of Plankton Research 24(4), 391-416.

Largier, J. and A. Boyd, 2001. Drifter observations of surface water transport in the Benguela Current during winter 1999. South African Journal of Science, 97(5/6), 223-229.

Cudaback, C. N. and J. L. Largier, 2001. The cross-shelf structure of wind- and buoyancy-driven circulation over the North Carolina inner shelf. Continental Shelf Research 21(15), 1649-1668.

D’Sa, E. J., S. E. Lohrenz, J. H. Churchill, V. J. Asper, J. L. Largier and A. J. Williams III, 2001. Chloropigment distribution and transport on the inner shelf off Duck, North Carolina. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(C6), 11581-11596.

Shanks, A. L., J. L. Largier, L. Brink, J. Brubaker, R. Hooff, 2000. Demonstration of the onshore transport of larval invertebrates by the shoreward movement of an upwelling front. Limnology and Oceanography, 45 (1), 230-236.

Largier, J. L., C. Attwood and J.-L. Harcourt-Baldwin, 2000. The hydrographic character of Knysna Estuary. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 55(2), 107-122.

Penven, P., C. Roy, A. Colin de Verdiere and J. Largier, 2000. Simulation of a coastal jet retention process using a barotropic model. Oceanologica Acta, 23(5), 615-634.

Rennie, S. E., J. L. Largier and S. J. Lentz, 1999. Observations of a pulsed buoyancy current downstream of Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(C8), 18227-18240.

Chadwick, D. B. and J. L. Largier, 1999. The influence of tidal range on the exchange between San Diego Bay and the ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(C12), 29885-29900.

Chadwick, D. B. and J. L. Largier, 1999. Tidal exchange at the bay-ocean boundary. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104 (C12), 29901-29919.

Monteiro, P. M. S. and J. L. Largier, 1999. Thermal stratification in Saldanha Bay (South Africa) and subtidal, density-driven exchange with the coastal waters of the Benguela upwelling system. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 49 (6), 877-890.

Botsford, L. W., C. L. Moloney, J. L. Largier and A. Hastings, 1998. Metapopulation dynamics of meroplanktonic invertebrates: the Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) as an example. In: Proceedings of the North Pacific Symposium on Invertebrate Stock Assessment and Management. G. S. Jamieson and A. Campbell (editors). Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 125, 295-306.

Wing, S. R., L. W. Botsford, S. V. Ralston and J. L. Largier, 1998. Meroplanktonic distribution and circulation in a coastal retention zone of the northern California upwelling system. Limnology and Oceanography, 43(7), 1710-1721.

Schumann, E., J. Largier and J. Slinger, 1998. Estuarine hydrodynamics. In: Estuaries of South Africa, B. R. Allanson and D. Baird (Eds.). Cambridge University Press, 27-52.

Wing, S. R., J. L. Largier and L. W. Botsford, 1998. Coastal retention and longshore displacement of meroplankton near capes in eastern boundary currents: examples from the California Current. In: Benguela Dynamics: Impacts of Variability on Shelf-Sea Environments and their Living Resources. S. C. Pillar, C. L. Moloney, A. I. L. Payne and F. A. Shillington (editors). South African Journal of Marine Science, 19, 119-127.

Botsford, L. W., S. R. Wing and J. L. Largier, 1998. Population dynamics and management implications of larval dispersal. In: Benguela Dynamics: Impacts of Variability on Shelf-Sea Environments and their Living Resources. S. C. Pillar, C. L. Moloney, A. I. L. Payne and F. A. Shillington (editors). South African Journal of Marine Science, 19, 131-142.

Jay, D. A., R. J. Uncles, J. L. Largier, W. R. Geyer, J. Vallino and W. R. Boynton, 1997. A review of recent developments in estuarine scalar flux estimation. Estuaries, 20(2), 262-280.

Graham, W. M. and J. L. Largier, 1997. Upwelling shadows as nearshore retention sites: the example of northern Monterey Bay. Continental Shelf Research, vol. 17(5), 509-532.

Hearn, C. J. and J. L. Largier, 1997. The summer buoyancy dynamics of a shallow mediterranean estuary and some effects of changing bathymetry: Tomales Bay, California. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 45, 497-506.

Largier, J. L., S. V. Smith and J. T. Hollibaugh, 1997. Seasonally hypersaline estuaries in mediterranean-climate regions. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 45, 789-797.

George, R. A. and J. L. Largier, 1996.Fine-scale drifters for coastal and estuarine studies: performance of a differential GPS tracking system. Journal of Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology, 13(6), 1322-1326.

Largier, J. L., 1996.Hydrodynamic exchange between San Francisco Bay and the ocean: the role of ocean circulation and stratification. In: San Francisco Bay: The Ecosystem. J.T.Hollibaugh (editor). Pacific Division AAAS, 69-104.

Hearn, C. J., J. L. Largier, S. V. Smith, J. Plant and J. Rooney, 1996.Effects of changing bathymetry on the summer buoyancy dynamics of a shallow mediterranean estuary: Tomales Bay, California. In: Buoyancy Effects on Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics. D. G. Aubrey and C. T. Friederichs (editors). Coastal and Estuarine Studies, vol. 53, 243-253.

Chadwick, D. B., J. L. Largier and R. T. Cheng, 1996.The role of thermal stratification in tidal exchange at the mouth of San Diego Bay. In: Buoyancy Effects on Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics. D. G. Aubrey and C. T. Friederichs (editors). Coastal and Estuarine Studies, vol. 53, 155-174.

Largier, J. L., C. J. Hearn and D. B. Chadwick, 1996.Density structures in low-inflow "estuaries". In: Buoyancy Effects on Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics. D. G. Aubrey and C. T. Friederichs (editors). Coastal and Estuarine Studies, vol. 53, 227-241.

Slinger, J. H., S. Taljaard and J. L. Largier, 1995.Changes in estuarine water quality in response to a freshwater flow event. In: Changes in Fluxes in Estuaries: Implications from Science to Management, K. R. Dyer and R. J. Orth (editors), Olsen & Olsen, Denmark, 74-81.

Wing, S. R., J. L. Largier, L. W. Botsford and J. F. Quinn, 1995.Settlement and transport of benthic invertebrates in an intermittent upwelling region. Limnology and Oceanography, 40(2), 316-329.

Smith, J. A. and J. L. Largier, 1995.Observations of nearshore circulation: rip currents. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100 (C6), 10967-10975.

Wing, S. R., L. W. Botsford, J. L. Largier and L. E. Morgan, 1995.Spatial variability in the settlement of benthic invertebrates in a northern California upwelling system.Marine Ecology Progress Series, 128, 199-211.

Largier, J. L., 1994. The internal tide over the shelf inshore of Cape Point Valley, South Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(C5), 10023-10034.

Moloney, C., L. W. Botsford and J. L. Largier, 1994.Development, survival and timing of metamorphosis of planktonic larvae in a variable environment: the Dungeness crab as an example. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 113, 61-79.

Del Bene, J. V., G. Jirka and J. Largier, 1994. Ocean brine disposal. Desalination, 97, 365-372.

Botsford, L. W., C. L. Moloney, A. M. Hastings, J. L. Largier, T. M. Powell, K. Higgins and J. F. Quinn, 1994.The influence of spatially and temporally varying oceanographic conditions on meroplanktonic metapopulations. Deep-Sea Research II, 41(1), 107-145.

Largier, J. L., 1993.Estuarine fronts: How important are they? In: Estuarine Fronts – Hydrodynamics, Sediment Dynamics and Ecology. J.L. Largier (editor). Estuaries, 16(1), 1-11.

Largier, J. L., B. A. Magnell and C. D. Winant, 1993.Subtidal circulation over the northern California shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98(C10), 18147-18179.

Washburn, L., M. Swenson, J. L. Largier, M. Kosro and S. Ramp, 1993.An anticyclonic eddy in the coastal transition zone off northern California. Science, 261, 1560-1564.

Largier, J. L., J. H. Slinger and S. Taljaard, 1992.The stratified hydrodynamics of the Palmiet - a prototypical bar-built estuary. In: Dynamics and Exchanges in Estuaries and the Coastal Zone. Prandle (editor), AGU, Washington DC, 135-153.

Largier, J. L., 1992, Tidal intrusion fronts. Estuaries, 15(1), 26-39.

Largier, J. L., P. Chapman, W. T. Peterson, and V. P. Swart, 1992.The western Agulhas Bank: circulation, stratification and ecology. In: Benguela Trophic Functioning. A.I.L. Payne, K.H.Brink, K.H.Mann and R.Hillborn (editors). South African Journal of Marine Science, 12, 319-339.

Peterson, W. T., L. Hutchings, J. Huggett and J. L. Largier, 1992.Anchovy spawning in relation to the biomass and the replenishment rate of their copepod prey on the western Agulhas Bank. In: Benguela Trophic Functioning. A.I.L. Payne, K.H.Brink, K.H.Mann and R.Hillborn (editors). South African Journal of Marine Science, 12, 487-500.

Largier, J. L. and S. Taljaard, 1991.The dynamics of tidal intrusion, retention and removal of seawater in a bar-built estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 33, 325-338.

Largier, J. L. and J. H. Slinger, 1991.Circulation in highly stratified southern African estuaries. South African Journal of Aquatic Science, 17(1/2), 103-115.

Magnell, B. A., N. A. Bray, C. D. Winant, C. L. Greengrove, J. L. Largier, F. Borchardt, R. L. Bernstein and C. E. Dorman, 1990.Convergent shelf flow at Cape Mendocino. Oceanography, 3(1), 4-11.

Grundlingh, M. L. and J. L. Largier, 1990.Physical oceanography in False Bay: a review. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 47(4/5), 387-400.

Slinger, J. H. and J. L. Largier, 1990. The evolution of thermohaline structure in a closed estuary. South African Journal of Aquatic Science, 16(1/2), 60-77.

Largier, J. L., 1990.Linear prediction of interfacial tides on corrugated continental shelves. In: Stratified Flows. E. J. List, and G. H. Jirka (editors). ASCE, New York, pp. 921-930.

Swart, V. P. and J. L. Largier, 1990.An advectively sustained thermocline on the Agulhas Bank. In: Stratified Flows. E. J. List, and G. H. Jirka (editors). ASCE, New York, pp. 931-940.

Largier, J. L., 1990.Deep surface mixed layers on the continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 10(8), 759-776.

Chapman, P. and J. L. Largier, 1989. On the origin of Agulhas Bank bottom water. South African Journal of Science, 85, 515-519.

Largier, J. L., 1989.The diurnal mixed layer in lakes and oceans. South African Journal of Aquatic Science, 15(1), 28-49.

Grundlingh, M. L. and J. L. Largier, 1988. Fisiese oseanografie in Valsbaai: 'n oorsig. (Physical oceanography in False Bay: a review). S.A. Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 7(3), 133-143.

Largier, J. L. and V. P. Swart, 1987. East-west variation in thermocline breakdown on the Agulhas Bank. In: The Benguela and Comparable Ecosystems. A. I. L. Payne, J. A. Gulland and K. H. Brink (editors). South African Journal of Marine Science, 5, 263-272.

Carter, R. A., H. F. McMurray and J. L. Largier, 1987. Thermocline characteristics and phytoplankton dynamics in Agulhas Bank waters.In: The Benguela and Comparable Ecosystems. A. I. L. Payne, J. A. Gulland and K. H. Brink (editors). South African Journal of Marine Science, 5, 327-336.

Swart, V. P. and J. L. Largier, 1987. Thermal structure of Agulhas Bank waters. In: The Benguela and Comparable Ecosystems. A. I. L. Payne, J. A. Gulland and K. H. Brink (editors). South African Journal of Marine Science, 5, 243-254.

Largier, J. L., 1986. Structure and mixing in the Palmiet Estuary, South Africa. South African Journal of Marine Science, 4, 139-152.