The Coastal Oceanography Group (COG) manages the Bodega Ocean Observing Node (BOON), a long-term coastal ocean observing system centered at Bodega Marine Laboratory focused on the coasts of northern California. The COG operating area includes San Mateo County north to Humboldt County, with emphasis on the upwelling region from Point Reyes to Point Arena. BOON is a component of larger regional (CeNCOOS), national (IOOS) and global observing systems (GOOS).

Bodega Ocean Observing Node
The Bodega Ocean Observing Node (BOON) mission is the development of innovative science and products that benefit society and the economy through pursuit of a sustainable relationship between humans and the ocean. BOON products are data derived from the deployment and operation of ocean observing technology.

Sea Surface Current Monitoring
Sea surface currents are measured with compact high frequency radar systems that use frequency modulated continuous wave signal processing and crossloop direction finding to measure the speed and direction of surface currents and waves of the coastal ocean. The Coastal Oceanography Group operates 10 of these systems within a national network of similar observations.

Tomales Bay Buoy Observations
Deployed in Tomales Bay, south of Hog Island, this buoy measures oceanographic data to help researchers answer ecological and oceanographic questions, as well as provide the public with real time data related to sea conditions within the bay. This is a cooperative project between the Bodega Marine Laboratory, Point Reyes National Seashore (PRNS/NPS), and the National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS/NOAA).

Real-time Coastal Flood Monitoring
Coastal flooding in California’s bays and estuaries is worsening due to rising sea levels and increased development. This project provides real-time water level data to help communities, agencies, and decision-makers respond to flooding events and manage risks effectively. Our platform focuses on vulnerable estuaries, offering live, site-specific data that capture the impacts of storm surges, river runoff, and sea-level rise. By delivering accurate, up-to-the-minute information, we empower stakeholders to make informed decisions for immediate flood response and long-term coastal resilience. Explore the data to track water levels, identify trends, and understand flooding dynamics in California’s coastal regions.

Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System
The Coastal Oceanography Group's monitoring efforts are supported by our partner, CeNCOOS, the Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System, the northern California regional association within the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System.